Monday, 18 June 2012

To be a nun or a director of I.T? Career advice they DON’T give you.

Bite Size Philosophy Lesson Three: 

So Forbes in their infinite wisdom of lists have published the top ten happiest jobs and the top ten most hated jobs which churned up a few debate topics…

Top Ten Happiest Jobs

1.     Clergy
2.     Fire Fighters
3.     Physical Therapists
4.     Authors
5.     Special Education Teachers
6.     Teachers
7.     Artists
8.     Psychologists
9.     Financial services sales agents
10.                        Operating engineers. (Boy toys i.e bulldozer and diggers.)

Top Ten Most Hated Jobs.

1.     Director of Information Technology
2.     Director of Sales and Marketing
3.     Product Manager
4.     Senior Web Developer
5.     Technical Specialist
6.     Electronics Technician
7.     Law Clerk
8.     Technical Support Analyst
9.     CNC Machinist
10.                        Marketing Manager

One of the aspect that stands out the most is the difference in salaries; the majority of the ‘happy jobs’ are obviously paid a lot less than the ‘hated jobs’ which generally seem to sit in higher pay brackets.

So what kind of question does this pose? Especially to us young people finding our feet in the working world; that you can either have happiness OR money? You can’t have both??

The number one happiest job is a clergyman which I’m sure can be taken in many different ways; firstly that although I want to be happy, I don’t think I want to be a nun to get there. (I’m not sure they’d have me to be fair..) Forbes’ take on the matter is that “the least worldly are reported to be the happiest of all.”

Ah. So believing in God makes you ‘less worldly’ now?

 I suspect the writer has missed the mark just slightly as people often do when the ‘G’ word is called into play. The point here is not a religious one; whether the god the clergyman has devoted his career to exists or not, isn’t the pivot whereby his happiness is decided. Looking at that happy list, you could argue happiness derives from actively participating in making a difference, supporting a community, being in some kind of close contact with others and most importantly- a point illustrated most noticeably with the clergyman- happiness come from doing something you believe in.

That’s the bones of it- passion is the worthy drive, you’ve got to believe what you’re doing is worth your time otherwise the pay check becomes compensation, and compensation is spent on things to make you feel good, because the job doesn’t quite hit the spot.

You have a class of young strong men and women, and they want to give their lives to something.  Advertising has these people chasing cars and clothes they don't need.  Generations have been working in jobs they hate, just so they can buy shit they don't really need.

~Chuck Palahniuk, Fight Club

It’s worth noting that Forbes and their love of lists isn’t law- i.e. you could easily have one on those top ten most hated jobs and feel passionate about it, have total job satisfaction and happiness. You can indeed have the whole package- I’m sure someone like Richard Branson would agree. It’s not that you have to choose money or happiness, rather you have to choose how to navigate both into your life.

It’s an age old image that money is the root of all evil and true wealth doesn’t have the queen’s head on it. Personally, being a girl who is spiritual but essentially Essex, I disagree. Greed and selfishness are ugly, but a banknote itself hasn’t the capability to be greedy, it’s the hand clutching that does. What you decide to do with money and how you decide to obtain it is the key thing here. And contrary to belief, you do decide how to earn your money.

The formula is simple enough. Follow your passion, do something you actually like doing, have an interest in, a flair for, and you’ll want to work hard at it, do it for long hours, invest time and effort into it. You’re then likely to be good at it because not only have you worked hard, if it’s a passion of yours then the spark has come from somewhere, suggesting that underneath all that doubt, you’re probably naturally quite good at it. If your good at what you do for all of the above reasons, it’s more likely you’ll be successful and therefore make money if your eye is on the ball rather that on the clock, praying to that God that makes you ‘less worldly’ to make 5pm come quicker.

So why aren’t we all off gallivanting doing the things we love and being rich?

Painting/writing/talking/gaming/photographing/shopping/computing/ drawing… whatever it is in your life that would be too good to be true if you got paid to do it- that won’t get you that house deposit, it won’t let you get finance on a car, won’t get you a week in Ibiza or store card. It’s hard to go against the grain when the apparent route to happiness has already been laid down for you.

The trick is being brave enough to choose a different pavement. And don’t worry if you look around and find you’re the only one walking down it- it doesn’t mean you’re wrong, in fact it probably means you’re onto a winner. The big gamers in this life, whether you want to go all Steve Jobs, Branson, George Lucas or J.K Rowling here, they didn’t make money the same way Joe Bloggs in cubicle B does, they worked with their strengths and didn’t suppress or ignore them for not fitting into a more socially appropriate box.


So what do? (Apart from become a clergyman…)

Take time to find out what you really love doing. This may seem an odd suggestion, but it’s one we don’t tend to spend much time on as it doesn’t seem justifiable in terms of time and finances out there in the ‘real world.’ But the fact is you spend an insane proportion of your time in the pie-chart of life at work, so actually its quite wise to make an investment in figuring out what makes you tick, and even wiser to ignore all those who are impatient for your choice. Don’t let anyone hurry you into a conclusion. And when you think you’ve got there, remember there is no law that says you have to pick one job, one career and then stick to it faithfully until your 65.  (Which is lucky, as it’s a law I’ve joyful broken a fair few times already.)

 An education’s value when trying to weigh up consequent graduate employment rates or salaries might not be much to look at, but to take that dive, exploring something you have an interest and passion for- this is not time wasted, this is preparing the way. The waste is to throw the graduation hat into the air and jump into the first desk chair that slides your way for fear of missing the slip road onto the rat race.

To any pending graduates, any long-lost graduates, old and greying graduates, non graduates; sprint in the opposite direction of anybody drilling into your bright mind that you must go get a job any job there aren’t enough jobs be grateful for a job be responsible and never leave that job…

I don’t mean starve and not pay your bills. I mean don’t compromise. Because never forget, it’s your life your compromising with.

You've got to risk it to get the biscuit as they say and i'm not suggesting i've got a mouthful of custard creams over here, but knowing where the biscuit tin is, that's a good start....


#Check it out for yourself


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